December 31, 2012 "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending saith the Lord, which is and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." - Revelation 1:8 Somehow in spite of good planning, paper calendars and electronic ones, email reminders and "things to do today" lists, 365 days in 2012 still found me lacking in some areas. I started many things but for whatever reason, I did not or could not always finish what I started. God, however got it all done in 2012. He did not miss anything. Everything on schedule. No missed blessings. It all started with God. "In the beginning God..." (Genesis 1:1 cf) The light, the air, the water, the food, the breath of life, the shelter, the labor we call work, birth and death. It all began with Him. One might say, I know that! Yes, we know that "it started" with Him. But, the deeper understanding is acknowledging that He is the Start . "I am Alpha."...
The purpose of “Tysthatbind” is to inspire, uplift, and encourage. Blessed be the “ties that bind.”