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Showing posts from December, 2012

Start to Finish

December 31, 2012 "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending saith the Lord, which is and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty." - Revelation 1:8   Somehow in spite of good planning, paper calendars and electronic ones, email reminders and "things to do today" lists, 365 days in 2012 still found me lacking in some areas.  I started many things but for whatever reason, I did not or could not always finish what I started. God, however got it all done in 2012.  He did not miss anything. Everything on schedule. No missed blessings. It all started with God.  "In the beginning God..." (Genesis 1:1 cf)  The light, the air, the water, the food, the breath of life, the shelter, the labor we call work, birth and death.  It all began with Him. One might say, I know that!  Yes, we know that "it started"  with Him. But, the deeper understanding is acknowledging that  He is the Start .  "I am Alpha."...

For Consideration

December 30, 2012 "Consider the lilies of the field how they grow; they toil  neither do they spin."      - St. Matthew 6:28 During one period in my life when my daughters were much younger I was having a rough time.  I often felt so overwhelmed.  . One day on a field trip to the grocery store...just me and the shopping cart, I stopped to consider the bell peppers, the green ones.  I picked up a particularly healthy pepper and held it just staring at it.  I was fascinated by the beautiful deep green.  It was as though I had never seen a bell pepper in life!  Well, truth be told I had never really stopped until that day to really consider the bell pepper.  I put the pepper in my cart and moved along to the potatoes but the pepper had my attention the entire time I was in the store.  I began to think "Girl, God made that bell pepper. He took the time to color it a beautiful shade of green."  The L...

My Mother's Daughter

December 29, 2012 "This is the day that the Lord hath made I will rejoice and be glad in it."  - Psalms 118:24 Finally, uniquely inspired by God I have  found my way once again, to publish Unique Inspiration. It's bittersweet really.  It has taken a lifetime to get to this place.  I believe that life does happen in order and with faith in the Lord we can trust Him to direct our steps.  Well today, I stepped up the BLOG steps.  Me, I am my Mother's Daughter.  How I wish I could call her and say, "Ma I did it, and give her instructions how to access the blog."  However, on September 16, 2012 Ma passed away, the result of a massive stroke.  Therefore, I whisper a prayer trusting that through faith her view is heavenly. The message here.  Do what you have been inspired to do and trust that the Lord who planted the vision will see you through each step of the way.  Each dream, each goal that I reflect upon throughout m...