"Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."
- Psalm 119:11
"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:" - James 1:19
Dear Friends,
God's word hidden in our hearts will help us to give pause to how we act and to the words we speak.
Our words matter. Let us endeavor to listen more intently and speak more graciously.
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
Be Slow To Speak
by Kate Ulmer ( Public Domain)
Oh, what pain and sorrow, bitterness and woe,
Evil speaking causeth in this world below;
Loving hearts are broken, dearest hopes destroyed
In their beauty blighted by the thoughtless word.
Evil speaking causeth in this world below;
Loving hearts are broken, dearest hopes destroyed
In their beauty blighted by the thoughtless word.
Oh, remember, Jesus ev'ry word doth hear,
By His Holy Spirit He is ever near;
Think how much He suffered ere you wound Him more,
When the world's reviling for your sake He bore.
By His Holy Spirit He is ever near;
Think how much He suffered ere you wound Him more,
When the world's reviling for your sake He bore.
Love that thinks no evil, dwelling in the heart,
By His Holy Spirit He is life impart;
Then each tho't and action by its pow'r controlled
Word unkind, 'twill prompt us carefully withhold.
By His Holy Spirit He is life impart;
Then each tho't and action by its pow'r controlled
Word unkind, 'twill prompt us carefully withhold.
Make your life a blessing, follow after peace,
Patient-y pursue it from all evil cease;
Scatt'ring deeds of kindness speaking words of love,
Thus the pathway brighten to your home above.
Patient-y pursue it from all evil cease;
Scatt'ring deeds of kindness speaking words of love,
Thus the pathway brighten to your home above.
Ye, who love the Savior and would win His smile,
Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from guile;
He will ever help you,if His aid you seek,
Whatsoe'er betideth, loving-y to speak.
Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from guile;
He will ever help you,if His aid you seek,
Whatsoe'er betideth, loving-y to speak.
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