Dear Friends,
Kept Through Faith
by Civilla D. Martin
Tho' I falter, His arm will hold me;
I can rest on His strength and grace;
Tho' the darkness of night enfold me,
Soon I know I shall see His face.
I can rest on His strength and grace;
Tho' the darkness of night enfold me,
Soon I know I shall see His face.
"Tho' an host should encamp against me,"
Why, O why should I have a fear?
Lost in sin, Jesus sought and found me,
Now to keep He is ever near."
Why, O why should I have a fear?
Lost in sin, Jesus sought and found me,
Now to keep He is ever near."
Jesus knows all about the pathway
I must travel from day to day,
When on earth as a "Man of sorrows,"
He walked over the same hard way.
I must travel from day to day,
When on earth as a "Man of sorrows,"
He walked over the same hard way.
Kept thro' faith by His mighty pow'r,
He to shield me is ever nigh;
Gives me grace for each need and hour,
O now happy, how blest am I!
He to shield me is ever nigh;
Gives me grace for each need and hour,
O now happy, how blest am I!
God bless!
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
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