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He Sent Out His Light and Led Me - October 14, 2018

send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me; let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacles.
    - Psalms 43:3

Dear Friends,

I don't see well in the dark.  My vision is not great and I have been afraid to drive when the sun goes down. In recent weeks, there have been circumstances making it necessary for me to cover my fear with my faith.  The first instance was when a family member needed to get to the Emergency Room. It was dark. Love lifted me out of my bed and without fear or hesitation, I drove.  The Lord sent His light and led me.

Yesterday morning, Saturday, October 13,  rain was pouring down and it was dark. I had to make another trip. I wasn't afraid but I could not see well. Remember, "the peace that passeth all understanding?" Well, Peace, was holding the steering wheel.  

I prayed O Lord please help me. I cannot see.  Now where the roads were well lit by street lights I could navigate without much trouble.  However, I was approaching a major intersection where I needed to turn.  Once I made the left turn I would be on a long stretch of darkness.  On the opposite side of the road, a big truck turned in front of me.  The Holy Spirit whispered, "stay behind the truck, it will take you down most of this stretch." I followed the truck. It took me approximately 200 feet from where I needed to make my next turn.  Upon turning, I found myself on another  another dark road.  However, there was not  much traffic. I could turn on the bright lights! I arrived at my destination with minutes to spare.  

It was a turn around trip. When I got to the first dark road on the way home I proceeded to the turning lane. There was a truck in front of me. It looked like the same truck I saw earlier.  Whether it was or not I cannot say.  But I knew what to do.  I followed it.  I knew where it would take me.
I would be led to a place that was well lit or where I could turn on the bright lights. 

Praise God! That is exactly what happened.  I wanted to roll down the window and shout thank you to the angel that I knew had to be driving. But it was dark and raining. I had to pay attention.  The Lord  sent out the light.

I kept going and when it was time for me to turn, once again I proceeded to the left turning lane. I found myself behind a bus.  In daylight I would have passed it.  But it was not daylight it was dark and I knew through the presence of the Holy Spirit to stay behind the bus and follow it.  I knew based on past experience.  My experience with the trucks prepared me for the bus. 

The bus moved slowly, never having to pick up passengers but slowing down at each stop to look to make sure no one was waiting.
I followed the bus.  When we arrived at the light where I was to make my next turn, the bus continued. I made my right turn. The rain stopped. The street lights were bright.  The Lord  sent out His light leading me once again.

I don't have to be afraid of the dark. When I was a new driver and driving in fog, I prayed "Jesus please be my head lights."  He brought me safely through the fog.  Head lights, Bright lights, street lights, sunlight, overhead lights, natural lights, artificial lights -- the Lord who in the beginning said: "Let there be light" is the Author of all light.  In Him there is no darkness at all.

On a dark and rainy morning in October the Lord heard my cry and He delivered me from my fears,  He sent three vehicles, one for the Father, one for the Son and one for the Holy Ghost to lead me home.  Now that is something to shout about. Hallelujah! Bless His Holy Name!

Whatever, darkness may be taunting you, I want you to know The Light from the Lighthouse is still burning bright.   Ask the Father.  He will send out His Holy Light.  I am a witness that the Lord will lead you all the way.

in Christ,

Sis. Stephanie


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