"For now, we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known." 1 Corinthians 13:12
I am sitting in my home office looking out the window. The sun is bright today. The snow is fluffy and white. It is a pretty picture. This I see with my natural eyes. By contrast, my mind and spirit consider another glass, another window. This window is hard to see through. It provides glimpses of what is taking place in the world today. I cannot make sense of some of what I see.
I am viewing through a glass darkly. This glass can only be enlightened by the Spirit of God. This glass is overcast by a pandemic. It is overshadowed by unimaginable grief. It is tinted by doubt and sometimes despair. But wait, there is a glimmer. Hope and faith in God are illuminating. It is through His light that I can see through the glass There is a vision. It exists as we consider all we see through the Word of God.
The songwriter wrote: "On up the road, far in the distance. We can see a light shining through the night. It's penetrating, life's heavy fog. For it is Jesus! Yes, He conquers all." Although we may not understand all that is happening or why, we can still take courage. Nothing is hidden from God. He creates calm in the chaos. I am learning, repeatedly, this lesson, God is. He is the Lord of All. Every circumstance, every challenge is subject to the Authority of God. God is.
I am convinced that through clear or darkened windows, God is. The scripture declares: For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed, neither hid, that shall not be known. - Luke 12:2 I can live without fear whatever the condition of the glass or window for I know God is. God is with me.
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
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