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God Is My Judge

May 9, 2013

"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward."
               -  Psalm 127:3

Dear Friend,

The "Greatest Love of All" was playing just as I getting ready to begin this entry and the Lord quickened me to write about one of my greatest loves, my oldest daughter Dayna.
Her name means God is My Judge.  I must admit that I did not know that when her name
was chosen.  My husband chose the name.  God knew how significant her name would
be and the strength it would bring to her life and the life of our entire family.

Through Dayna I have learned to embrace the truth of "a little child shall lead them."  We would come home from church when she was very young and she would want to play choir and always sing "Jesus Will Fix It." I remember once she was playing and I was going through a difficult time, she stopped and looked at me and said. "God is able Mommy!" I called and told my mother and we would repeat when confronted with situations later on "Dayna said God is able. My oldest daughter initiated me in to motherhood because she is the firstborn.  We have been through so much together.  When the tough questions came, first when she was in the third grade I told her to pray and she did and she has never stopped.  When harder battles came in high school
and I wished that I could step in and make bullies go away I told her read your Bible and she did -- everyday and she has never stopped. 

The Bible says a little child shall lead them...well they can and they do.  Even as they grow up.  Then there are the little children in the church, the neighborhood, the school and the ones you have not met but can still pray for.   Although, I write about my daughter today the message is so much more...

Children are a heritage...from the Lord he grants them to us as parents as community.
What a tremendous privilege.  I thank God for not only my daughters but for the many children He has allowed me to learn from through the years and I am still learning...

                                    "He's got the little bitty baby in HIs hands. He's got
                                     the little bitty baby in His hands.  He's got the whole
                                     world in His hands."

God bless!
Sis. Stephanie


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