"And Isaac intreated the Lord for his wife, because she was barren: and the Lord was intreated of him, and Rebekah his wife conceived.
And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord." Genesis 25:21-22
Dear Friend,
Our church choir sings a song entitled, "The Struggle is Over." One line in the song states,
"You've been in this place long enough...God says,the struggle is over for you."
I don't know about you today, but many times I find myself still struggling.
The background for the cited scripture is that Rebekah is carrying twins. Her pregnancy the result of answered prayers. Knowing that she had been blessed by God she was perplexed by the immense struggle of the children within her. How could there be such a struggle along with this blessing? She wanted to know. Therefore, Rebekah went to the Source. "She went to enquire of the Lord."
Our struggle today, yours and mine may be coupled with an obvious blessing or it may appear to be just a stand alone heap of trouble. Yet, whatever it is, whatever it may look like
there is only one solution if the desire is peace. Seek God and lay it on the altar.
I did a word search on the word struggle in the KJV and only found it mentioned once, that
is in Genesis 25. There is so much that can be learned from examining these verses.
Why the struggles Lord? Why am I still struggling.
I offer for consideration words penned by E.A. Hoffman in 1900 together with Rebekah's
example. I found consolation in both scripture and song. I hope you will too if you are still struggling...
God bless!
Sis. Stephanie
Is Your All on the Altar - E. A. Hoffman (Public Domain)
1 You have longed for sweet peace,
And for faith to increase,
And have earnestly, fervently prayed;
But you cannot have rest,
Or be perfectly blest,
Until all on the altar is laid.
Is your all on the altar of sacrifice laid?
Your heart does the Spirit control?
You can only be blest,
And have peace and sweet rest,
As you yield Him your body and soul.
2 Would you walk with the Lord,
In the light of His word,
And have peace and contentment alway?
You must do His sweet will,
To be free from all ill,
On the altar your all you must lay.[Refrain]
3 Oh, we never can know
What the Lord will bestow
Of the blessings for which we have prayed,
Till our body and soul
He doth fully control,
And our all on the altar is laid. [Refrain]
4 Who can tell all the love
He will send from above,
And how happy our hearts will be made;
Of the fellowship sweet
We shall share at His feet,
When our all on the altar is laid. [Refrain]
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