Dear Friends,
The three Hebrew boys faced a fiery furnace because of their unwillingness to bow down to commandments that were not of God. They professed their faith in the ability of the One and Only True God to deliver them. They declared that His will did not negate His ability when they stated: And if not, He is still good.
The goodness of God is not determined by our plight in life. God's goodness is never failing. In the midst of the trial, in the midst of walking through the valley of any shadow...God is still good.
The testimony of these three young men did not prevent them from being tossed into the fiery furnace. However, their faith in God kept them safe in the furnace and He went before them and stayed with them in the intense heat. Likewise, the same God brought them out.
God is still bringing His children out. God is still Good.
God bless!
in Christ,
- Sis. Stephanie
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