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Keep Your Eyes on the Road - Week of December 30, 2018

Psalm 17:5-6 King James Version (KJV)

Hold up my goings in thy paths, that my footsteps slip not.
I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God: incline thine ear unto me, and hear my speech.

Dear Friends,
I am amazed at the many lessons the Holy Spirit has taught me while driving to and fro.  Because of my challenges with night time driving I have learned to be even more attentive to His voice.  "Keep your eyes on the road Stephanie."  Wow!  I thought, this is huge.  Of course, the expression may seem cliche in some regards.  However, when the Lord is speaking to you He doesn't speak "cliche!" His voice is clear.  My response to these words of wisdom were, "okay Lord I have my eyes on the road." 
 Following God's instructions have changed my driving habits.  I'd allowed myself to get distracted by all the lights.  I would sometimes panic when people passed me going 50 mph in a 35 mph zone.   But God was clear: Keep your eyes on the road.  Don't get distracted.  Consider the road.  Don't look into the bright lights that are drawing you.  Your vision will be impaired.   The road.  Consider the road.  
With my eyes on the road I can take in more.  The lanes are clearer even in rain and storms.  With my eyes on the road, I am aware of the impatient drivers and I can see the lights in my peripheral vision.  However, they are not distractions.  I am encouraged by the scenery and beautiful buildings I pass.  I am aware of them as I journey, but my eyes are on the road.
Spiritual eyes on the road.   Sights on the destination. Heaven.  However, right now I am on the road.  I am watching the road.  I am on a journey.  No time for distractions.  Every turn, every stop is intentional on this road.  Talk about Map quest!  God has planned every step.  He has provided and will continue to provide grace to meet any roadblocks.  The Lord will navigate detours and create new paths none exist.
My job is just to keep my eyes fastened on the road.  The task is to never lose sight of where I am going. These are shouting words! 
My sisters and brothers, as we stand on the brink of a new year, I encourage you to keep your eyes on Christ.  Christ, the Way. Christ, the Truth. Christ the Life.  Keep your eyes on the Road.
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie


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