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Showing posts from September, 2024


  Isaiah 49:16   “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of  my hands  ; thy walls  are  continually before me.” On days when I cannot find my glasses  When I am searching frantically for my keys  On days when I forget to take the meat out to thaw  When I am looking in my purse for my identification badge and it’s already around my neck  On the days when I think it’s Wednesday but it’s really Tuesday  When I am reminded of how forgetful I sometimes am God reminds me that to Him  I am  Unforgettable  God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Brewing Coffee

  1 Corinthians 12:17 “If the whole body  were  an eye, where  were  the hearing? If the whole  were  hearing, where  were  the smelling?” Brewed coffee. I brew coffee every morning. Today as it started to brew I said aloud, This coffee smells good. It occurred to me that because this task is a habit, I take it for granted. I stopped to consider this and to thank God for the gift of smell. The smell of rain and of flowers The smell of perfume  The smell of a little baby Popcorn popping Bread baking Fish frying The smell of bell pepper  Delightful cinnamon So many fragrant blessings  God has made us fearfully and wonderfully  So much to be thankful for. I thank Him today for the smell of brewed coffee.  It was a reminder not to take any blessings for granted… Sometimes it’s the little things… God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

When I Can’t See My Way

  2 Corinthians 4:8   “ We are  troubled on every side, yet not distressed;  we are  perplexed, but not in despair;” Unsettled. It is that nagging rather haunting feeling that sits on my shoulders at times  Butterflies in my stomach for no apparent reason  Flustered and trying to get past it Determined to press forward  That is to be troubled on every side Yet not distressed for I know the Lord is with me Although perplexed and unable to see my way  I will not despair for in Christ there is victory  I am never alone.  God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

The Riches of His Grace

  Ephesians 1:7   “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;” Redeemed by His blood  The richness of the grace of God is new each day  Rich, amazing, sufficient grace Sometimes I just sit and think about the magnitude of God’s mercy  I stand in awe of His mighty works I walk by faith through the richness of God’s grace  God is Wonderful  He is awesome  He loves us so much Pause today and  Consider the Riches of His grace  God’s grace  Truly amazing.  God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Beyond My Faults

  Colossians 3:13   “Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also  do  ye.” Forgiven God has forgiven me. Beyond my faults  In spite of my failings Overlooking my shortcomings  Canceling my debt In spite of myself  God has forgiven me So loved by God He sent His Son Jesus took my place  Forgiven  He does not hold my sins against me I am washed in the blood of the Lamb Set free Made new Forgiven Empowered by God I forgive. God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Don’t Be Afraid

  Psalms 56:3   “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” God has a remedy for all that ails us Fear is perhaps one of the most debilitating ailments  Fear of the future  The unknown  The report card The test results  Yet, throughout His Word the Lord speaks “Fear not” 2 Timothy 1:7 God hath not given us the spirit of fear but of power, love, and a sound mind Why then do we sometimes feel powerless and downcast  Always keep in mind that the enemy does not care about the truth  He presses, threatens, confuses and frightens  He lies God, however, does not lie He encourages us, protects us and guides us When he says fear not, we are left with a choice   To trust or not to trust that is the question  I have learned and continue to learn, the power, the freedom, in trusting God When my knees are shaking and my heart is faint  When sadness and sorrow press my heart  When I am afraid… In those times I will trust in God. God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

I’m So Glad to be Here

  Psalms 122:1    “I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the LORD.” My three month old granddaughter holds her head up and looks around  I imagine she is thinking, “I’m so glad to be here” Sometimes when I hold her she looks out of the window  Other times from around the room she makes eye contact with me I am amazed when she flashes her toothless smile  If baby girl could talk… What would her testimony be? “Well GiGi  God brought me out of the darkness into the marvelous light  For nine months I was in my mother’s womb.  All the while it was dark but God kept me and my mother fed me He comforted me He spoke to me through my mother’s voice.  I  heard my father.  I listened to the laughter of my brother. I looked forward to meeting my family   As I grew I became stronger  God gave me hope One day all of a sudden I heard His voice telling me today is your day  God brought me to the light  I am so thankful  I’m so glad to be here.” God’s Word is faithful. “A littl


  2 Peter 3:8 “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day  is  with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” It does not seem like it’s been 12 years. Rather it seems like only yesterday… Yesterday, today, daily  I remember my mother. My mother was consistent. My mother was both lovely and loving. My mother was smart. My mother was creative. With passing years the grief has shifted. It depends on the day.  Yet through it all  As one whom his mother comforts The Lord has comforted me While I miss her voice, I still hear her While I miss her presence, I can feel her My mother is always with me When I look in the mirror… When I reflect on my life… I am reminded  Daily  That… God blessed me with my mother. God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Fraud Prevention

  1 John 4:1   “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.” You cannot believe everything you hear  Believe God. You can’t focus on all that you hear Focus on God. You cannot trust everyone you meet  Trust God. God’s Word is to be believed  It is The Truth. God deserves our focus and full attention  He is God Alone. God is to be trusted  He cannot fail  He does not lie  He cares He loves You God is real God is God. God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Strength in My Soul

  Ephesians 5:9   “(For the fruit of the Spirit  is  in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) see also Galatians 5:22-23 Strength in my soul… To show love To be filled with joy To seek peace To have patience  To be gentle  To do good  To have faith  To exhibit meekness  To possess self control  All of these things equal strength  The fruit filled life Being led by the Spirit  Serving the Lord This is to have Strength in my soul God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Every Blessing

  Deuteronomy 28:6   “Blessed  shalt  thou      be  when thou comest in, and blessed  shalt  thou  be  when thou goest out.” “Teach me how to receive every blessing” Every Blessing,  a song by Brian Courtney Williams has resonated in my heart and has taken root in my soul. Every blessing.  Blessings sometimes come wrapped in challenges. Blessings can come from unlikely sources and appear in the least expected places. Every blessing. Every good and perfect gift is from above. Blessings, good gifts from God. Lord teach me how to graciously receive every blessing. Use me, my life, my gifts and talents to bless others. Every blessing Lord. Thank you for making me a recipient of Your blessings. God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 


  John 8:32   “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” A thermometer registers the temperature  A thermostat sets the temperature  There is something to be said for the ability to “read the room”  for being able to tell the climate  Yet, I contend it is more impactful to be able to set the tone, being able to leave a lasting impression by virtue of your presence  How can this be accomplished? Walk by faith and not by sight.  Put on the whole armor of God and stand Let your light shine that men might see your good works and glorify God Let the Lord enlarge your territory  Praise Him for ordered steps  Walk on in the light  See there it is  Temperature set.  Bless God.  God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Home Repairs

  Psalms 127:1   “(A Song of degrees for Solomon.) Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh  but  in vain.” The house across the street is being repaired.  For several weeks workers have shown up Monday through Friday  A huge dumpster was filled and emptied several times.  A lot of things were left behind by the previous owner.  Some trash and loads of memories were hauled away.  Home repairs.  It gets messy.  The  labor is hard.  Fix up on the inside touch up on the outside. It’s got me thinking about my home. How many times the Lord has hauled the trash out of my life. My life… Home… The Lord continues to restore that which is broken. He heals the inside.  My heart. My frame. The outside.  He props up and touches up… Home.  Repairs. The Master Builder. His work continues in my life. Home repairs… God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie