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Brewing Coffee


1 Corinthians 12:17

“If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were hearing, where were the smelling?”

Brewed coffee.

I brew coffee every morning.

Today as it started to brew I said aloud,

This coffee smells good.

It occurred to me that because this task is a habit, I take it for granted.

I stopped to consider this and to thank God for the gift of smell.

The smell of rain and of flowers

The smell of perfume 

The smell of a little baby

Popcorn popping

Bread baking

Fish frying

The smell of bell pepper 

Delightful cinnamon

So many fragrant blessings 

God has made us fearfully and wonderfully 

So much to be thankful for.

I thank Him today for the smell of brewed coffee. 

It was a reminder not to take any blessings for granted…

Sometimes it’s the little things…

God bless.🌸✨ 

In Christ,

Sis. Stephanie 


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