"And she said, Oh my lord, as thy soul liveth, my lord, I am the woman that stood by thee here, praying unto the Lord." - I Samuel 1:26
Dear Friends,
In I Samuel we find the woman Hannah who petitioned the Lord for a child and God granted her request. Even after her request was granted she continued to seek the Lord on behalf of her child.
Mothers throughout the ages have prayed. There are those in this present day continuing to pray for their children and for the children of others. Mothers and mothering women, who take the time to intercede in the lives of babies, youth, teens, young adults for their adult children.
I can imagine the prayers that Mary the mother of Jesus prayed for her Son as He hung on the cross to pay the penalty for the sins of mankind.
I think about my mother. My mother prayed for her four children. Every night my mother knelt down to pray. Each of her children knew this to be true. She may have been tired, burdened with the cares of life. She may have been going to bed hungry some nights. Yet, she took the time to pray.
I have often heard people say: "I am here because of my mother's prayers." Well, I know that God's grace has kept me. However, I thank Him that in his gracious plan for my siblings and me he gave us "Ma." My sister pronounced it "Mon."
He gave us a mother whose steadfast love and prayers for us is keeping us focused on what is right, even now.
On September 16, it will be four years since the Lord called my mother home. I miss her and I am sure I always will. There are so many things I would like to share. There are ideas I would like to toss around. I want to let her know the direction God is leading me in. I wish she was here to give me that little push...
But you know what? My mother prayed. I believe that through her prayers she covered us. She covered the childhood years...the growing up years...the years when we would be away from her striking out on our own...I believe she prayed that God would keep us in every situation.
So whoever you are mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin or friend -- cover someone with your prayers. Take the time and pray. Down through the years, "praying without ceasing will keep us."
Prayer is a tie that binds. My mother taught me that.
in memory of Donna L. Kidd 1938-2012
"The memory of the just is blessed."
- Proverbs 10:7a
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
Beautiful, this post is so beautiful. I honestly, truly believe I am the walking prayers of my Mother, Grandmother, and Aunt.I love you.