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Candid Conversations

  Philippians 3:20   “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ:” Candid conversations with God. Riding in the car this morning thanking God for another day. Praising Him for the magnificent fall display of colors. Praying for the lady I saw walking on the sidewalk that her day would be blessed. Looking at the other cars on the road. Asking God to protect the inhabitants of the vehicles. Getting excited as I drove along. Thankful… So thankful for prayer. Candid conversations with God. God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie   

Raising My Hand

  Psalms 63:4   “Thus will I bless thee while I live: I will lift up my hands in thy name.” There are times when I just lift my hand straight up in the air Sometimes it is my right hand  Sometimes it is the left   It can appear random But it is not This lifting up of my hand is an act that I have performed for years  Every now and then I will slightly wave or flex my fingers  God knows the meaning of this I am reaching up I am stretching out I am exercising my faith With the raising of my hand one at a time  I am lifting my life to the Lord above I know you are with me God I touch Your heart  You abide in mine  I surrender my all Thank you for seeing me for speaking to my soul  When I raise my hand  God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Decisions, Decisions

  Joshua 24:15   “And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that  were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Choose  Faith over fear  Hope over despair  Love over hate Peace over war Praise over complaint Choose wisely… Choose God. God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Depths of My Soul

  Psalms 130:1   “(A Song of degrees.) Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O LORD.” ( Repost) There are certain life chapters or experiences that lead us to crying unto the Lord out of the depths of our souls.  The depths of your soul are different from the depths of mine.  Although, similar or even the same type of experience may lead us there, the depths of one's soul is a private place. Its magnitude, the true impact of its dimension can only be understood by God and interpreted by the Holy Spirit. And it is in the Mighty Name of Jesus that we are pulled out of strongholds and given the strength to continue on. "In That Vast Dimension: Out of the Depths" sdktyus @2017 Lord in that vast dimension Out of the depths of my soul I come to Your throne with thoughts and concerns That You alone can hold There are petitions for those I care about Needs in their lives I pray will soon be met Sisters and brothers on my journey that others often forget  Lord in that vast dim

I’ll Go With You

  Isaiah 41:10   “Fear thou not; for I  am  with thee: be not dismayed; for I  am  thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” “Jesus said if you go I’ll go with you.” Butterflies in my stomach  A racing heart  I do not want to attend the meeting  I wish I could cancel the appointment  I don’t want to talk about it Over “it” I don’t think I can do this  BUT GOD He reminds me that of course, I cannot accomplish even the most mundane tasks on my own  He assures me day by day that He is with me  He builds me up He orders my steps  He speaks peace to my soul  He renews my heart  Do not be afraid  You belong to Me I’ve got you I am holding you in My mighty hands  Go! I will go with you. God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

A Thoughtful Heart

  Proverbs 23:7   “For as he thinketh in his heart, so  is he : Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart  is  not with thee.” A thoughtful heart  A heart of kindness  A heart of empathy  A heart of encouragement  A heart of faith  A heart of mercy  A heart of grace  A heart of peace A heart of joy  A heart touched by God A heart of blessing A loving heart  A thoughtful heart.  God bless♥️ In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Being Calm

  Psalms 107:29   “He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still.” The Lord calms storms. He stills the waves. In the midst of it all, He is there speaking peace to turbulence and providing comfort in chaos. Being calm “in spite of”is possible through the power of the Holy Spirit There is refuge, a place of safety under the shadow of the Almighty God Being calm  Being still  Resting in blessed assurance  Being calm is possible through the One Who speaks to whatever and whoever rises against us Saying, Peace be still. God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Direct Message

  1 John 1:5   “This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.” I was thinking about how many times during the day that I pick up my cell phone.  Too much time.  Of course, I would say that most of what I text is an emoji acknowledgement of what I have received.  There are however, numerous direct texts, direct messages.  Hmmmm what about my interactions with God.  Am I sending quick emoji like responses in acknowledgement of His abundant blessings? Am I direct messaging the Lord through prayer throughout my day? I will put it this way Succinctly. To the point. Directly. It’s time for me to make an adjustment and put my phone down.  God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Intentionally Praying

  Romans 12:2   “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what  is  that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” It’s me, it’s me, it’s me O Lord, standing in the need of prayer  There are times when I’ve been asked the question  How can I pray for you? Many times I have been caught off guard I am praying for you I’ll keep you in prayer  I am praying for and with you When someone asks how they  can pray for you  It requires a thoughtful response  It is an intentional request this “how” We all need prayer. Sometimes we may hesitate to ask another to pray about specific things in our lives But God  He knows the details and when He allows someone to show up with How can I pray for you? Intentionally praying… God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Just a Moment

  1 Corinthians 15:52   “In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” A moment. Just a minute. Things happen. Situations change. Here one minute and gone the next.  So the saying goes. Moments. They mater. While we have time… Take a second. Press pause. Stop.  Consider. Right now.  This moment. Counts…⏰ God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

My, My, My

  Luke 1:46b “My soul doth magnify the Lord,” My, my, my Such were my thoughts this morning as I looked out of my window at the sunrise. The Lord in His Majestic power has ordered another day. Waking up with the ability to see, to hear, and to speak. Graced with mercy to walk and talk. The Lord continues to bless and to keep. I did not wake up without aches and pains. Carefree and without challenges is not an entry on my schedule. Yet, my soul doth magnify the Lord. The Lord has given me another day to live another opportunity to serve. My, my, my.  God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 


  Genesis 1:1   “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” There has never been a time without God. God in the beginning.  God. He has been  He is He shall forever be God. At the start of each day  And at its end God. Blessing with new mercies  Guiding our steps  Strengthening our souls  Guarding our hearts  God. Beginnings It is always  God. God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 


  Isaiah 49:16   “Behold, I have graven thee upon the palms of  my hands  ; thy walls  are  continually before me.” On days when I cannot find my glasses  When I am searching frantically for my keys  On days when I forget to take the meat out to thaw  When I am looking in my purse for my identification badge and it’s already around my neck  On the days when I think it’s Wednesday but it’s really Tuesday  When I am reminded of how forgetful I sometimes am God reminds me that to Him  I am  Unforgettable  God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

Brewing Coffee

  1 Corinthians 12:17 “If the whole body  were  an eye, where  were  the hearing? If the whole  were  hearing, where  were  the smelling?” Brewed coffee. I brew coffee every morning. Today as it started to brew I said aloud, This coffee smells good. It occurred to me that because this task is a habit, I take it for granted. I stopped to consider this and to thank God for the gift of smell. The smell of rain and of flowers The smell of perfume  The smell of a little baby Popcorn popping Bread baking Fish frying The smell of bell pepper  Delightful cinnamon So many fragrant blessings  God has made us fearfully and wonderfully  So much to be thankful for. I thank Him today for the smell of brewed coffee.  It was a reminder not to take any blessings for granted… Sometimes it’s the little things… God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie 

When I Can’t See My Way

  2 Corinthians 4:8   “ We are  troubled on every side, yet not distressed;  we are  perplexed, but not in despair;” Unsettled. It is that nagging rather haunting feeling that sits on my shoulders at times  Butterflies in my stomach for no apparent reason  Flustered and trying to get past it Determined to press forward  That is to be troubled on every side Yet not distressed for I know the Lord is with me Although perplexed and unable to see my way  I will not despair for in Christ there is victory  I am never alone.  God bless.🌸✨  In Christ, Sis. Stephanie