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Depths of My Soul


Psalms 130:1


“(A Song of degrees.) Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O LORD.”


There are certain life chapters or experiences that lead us to crying unto the Lord out of the depths of our souls.  The depths of your soul are different from the depths of mine.  Although, similar or even the same type of experience may lead us there, the depths of one's soul is a private place. Its magnitude, the true impact of its dimension can only be understood by God and interpreted by the Holy Spirit. And it is in the Mighty Name of Jesus that we are pulled out of strongholds and given the strength to continue on.

"In That Vast Dimension: Out of the Depths" sdktyus @2017

Lord in that vast dimension
Out of the depths of my soul
I come to Your throne with thoughts and concerns
That You alone can hold
There are petitions for those I care about
Needs in their lives I pray will soon be met
Sisters and brothers on my journey that others often forget 

Lord in that vast dimension
Out of the depths of my weary soul
I ask for more faith and strength
When life's struggles take their toll
When the "assignments" are unclear to me
And it seems that I am off track
Give me the courage, renew my mind
Remind me through the Holy Spirit that there is no lack

Lord in that vast dimension
Out of the depths of my soul
I pray for the hungry, imprisoned and lonely
I pray for the grieving and those who struggle as they grow old
I pray for the unforgiving, touch their hearts and fill them with grace
I pray that you forgive me Lord and keep me in a humble place

Lord in that vast dimension
Out of the depths of my soul
Hear my prayers I cannot speak nor write
The stories yet untold
Lift from me the hurt and pain the enemy constantly throws
And Lord when all is said and done. when my earthly race is won
Out of the depths of my soul I cry
Let me hear You say well done.

God bless.🌸✨ 
In Christ,


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