Jeremiah 33:2-3King James Version (KJV)
2 Thus saith the Lord the maker thereof, the Lord that formed it, to establish it; the Lord is his name;
3 Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Dear Friends,
Bishop Paul Morton sings a powerful song "Something Happens." "Jesus something special, supernatural, about Your Name."
Glory to God. When we call upon the name of Jesus something special happens. At the mention of the Mighty Name of Jesus movement takes place. The movement matches the need. This is the miracle of Jesus. Power is Jesus. The calling of His name releases the power. Jesus is peace. Calling His Name releases the peace. Jesus is Joy. Call Him and feel the rivers of joy flowing deep on the inside.
Jesus is. Call Him. Something will happen. Mighty things, great and mighty things happen at the mention of His name. Jesus. Lord God, thank you for Jesus.
Savior Jesus. Our Help Jesus. Our Rock Jesus. Our Strong Tower Jesus. Our Everything Jesus. Our Supplier Jesus.
Jesus what a privilege to call on His name.
in Jesus name,
God bless!
Sis. Stephanie
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