"And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice."
- I Kings 19:12
Dear Friends,
There was no earth shaking experience this time. There was not a blazing flame to illuminate the way. This time it was in the quietness. Blessed. It was in the seeking of peace and the pursuit of it that the Lord make His will apparent. Daughter! It was a whisper in my soul. A gentle and kind breeze within my spirit. Daughter! The sound so delicate that it was audible and inaudible at the same time. Deliberate. Daughter! "You better hush, Somebody is calling my name. It sounds like Jesus." Can you hear me now?
Continue on with the journey. I will lead you in the way you should go. The Holy Spirit, the still small voice. Revival, restoration and renewal. Blessed be the ties that bind.
I have learned that silence is a tie that binds. For in the days that this blog lay dormant I realized the power, the binding power of silence. When friends and family experience life shattering events and the words of comfort ring hollow over their fresh wounds, silence binds. Just a hug, a prayer, an unspoken act of love when you show up and sit a while. Support. Silence binds because there are some things a soul needs to hear a human voice cannot deliver. Faithful
Holy Spirit interceding with groaning that cannot be uttered.
Listen, God is speaking. There are no unseen tears. There are no unanswered prayers. There are no obstacles too great. God does not fail. You ask what is the next step. What is it that the Lord would have you do? Which way should you turn?
Listen! Daughter! Son! Can you hear Him now?
Softly. Tenderly. The Lord asks: can you hear me now?
God bless!
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
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