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Still I Am

Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.
      - Proverbs 31:28

On December 29, 2012 God led me to start a Christian devotional blog.  It began under the name Unique Inspiration. Many years ago, I authored a Christian newsletter under the same name.  Along the way the Lord touched my spirit while at the keyboard. It was a faint whisper.  "I'm changing the name."  To what? I thought.  Tysthatbind was placed in my soul.  I saw it. I felt it. And now...

Today is the 999th post.  I reflect on the first post and I am led to share it again here.  The post title: My Mother's Daughter, led to today's title -- Still I Am

Still I Am - by sdktyus@2020

Still I am my mother's daughter
Every day she walks with me
Her beautiful face, her awesome strength
Her sacrifices and what she meant

She meant what she said
She did not talk a lot
My mother spoke with integrity and class
Every word placed with careful thought

My mother, my mother, my mother
I miss her every day
I call her in my mind
I have so much I want to say

Still I am
My Mother's daughter

 reposted on July 3, 2020 - December 29, 2012

"This is the day that the Lord hath made I will rejoice and be glad in it."  - Psalms 118:24

Finally, uniquely inspired by God I have  found my way once again, to publish 
Unique Inspiration.
It's bittersweet really.  It has taken a lifetime to get to this place.  I believe
that life does happen in order and with faith in the Lord we can trust Him to
direct our steps.  Well today, I stepped up the BLOG steps.  Me, I am my 
Mother's Daughter.  

How I wish I could call her and say, "Ma I did it, and
give her instructions how to access the blog."  However, on September 16, 2012
Ma passed away, the result of a massive stroke.  Therefore, I whisper a prayer
trusting that through faith her view is heavenly.

The message here.  Do what you have been inspired to do and trust that the Lord who
planted the vision will see you through each step of the way.  Each dream, each goal that
I reflect upon throughout my life, those realized and those that were re-directed I can see
the hand of God.  

More often than not the hands appeared in the likeness of my Mother's 
hands.  Through her love God pushed me or nudged me when necessary. By her hands.
Using her hands, illustrated by her love, God encouraged me through her hugs or her applause when I succeeded.  

Today as I type and look down at my hands they look so much like Ma's.
I am "My Mother's Daughter."

God bless!
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie


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