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Sermon Notes

 “While the earth remains the, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”

         - Genesis 8:22 kjv

The preacher spoke yesterday about “Sacrifice After the Storm”. Genesis 8:13-21 was the text. Todays verse 22 was also referenced.  The preacher spoke about how God prepared Noah for the storm. He advised him that in seven days, it was going to rain for 40 days and 40 nights.  We were admonished to consider Noah and what he may have been subjected to as he labored to build a boat in preparation for rain when people around him did not know rain.  Noah believed God and kept on building.

Noah and those on the boat rode the storm under the watchful protection of Almighty God.  We were told that not only was rain coming down from the sky  waters were also rising up.  From top to bottom the water poured.  When we think about the storms of life, we realize they can be all encompassing. Storms can rage so intensely, we may feel as though we are drowning.

But God made a provision for Noah.  In His time the rains stopped.  After so many days dry land appeared.  The rainbow sign was given. The preacher shed understanding regarding the rainbow.  Short definition, the sun shining through water droplets.  Look at God.

The rainbow sign, signifying that the sun will shine after the storm.  The morning is coming.  God is in control.  The seasons of life continue.  There is balance to the struggle. What do we do when God delivers us.  Do we offer a sacrifice of praise.  In the midst of the challenging weather, choose to worship.

God bless.

In Christ,

Sis. Stephanie 


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