Psalms 103:2
“Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:”
I received a text this morning that framed my thoughts:
“…and you shall have a blessed day.”
Earlier, while attempting to throw trash into the bin,
I threw in my keys instead.
The trash bag was still in my hand.
I said out loud: “I don’t believe this!”
Thankfully, trash collection was yesterday.
My keys were alone at the bottom of the bin.
I turned the bin on its side and went to get a pole to fetch them out.
Keys out, I put the trash in and went inside to disinfect my keys.
I thought: I am not going to let this ruin my day.
When I went into the house my phone beeped.
I picked up the phone and read the text:
“…and you shall have a blessed day.
I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time.
This was not up for discussion.
My soul received the message.
Blessed day.
Faithful Father God.
Even when I find myself inside the trash bin,
He keeps blessing me.
Every day is a day to be thankful.
Blessed coming in and blessed going out.
I stand on God’s promises.
On the mountain, or in the valley He is there.
Blessed. God blessed.
Bless the Lord
O my soul and
Forget not
You shall have a blessed day.
God bless✨ In Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
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