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A Table in the Wilderness


Psalms 78:19

“Yea, they spake against God; they said, Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?” 

In the  78th Psalms, the Psalmist details the many ways God brought His people and provided for  them. 

He parted the waters.

He fed them with bread from  heaven. 

 Still  their stubborn hearts questioned.

Can God furnish a table in the 


This morning I am sitting at the dining room table.

I have been thinking about how instrumental “tables” have been in my life.


Meals and conversations had.

Decisions made. 

Visions revealed. 

Dreams launched. 

A table in the wilderness.

 Furnished by God.

At my grandmother’s table

 I remember the smothered chicken, rice, gravy, and biscuits,

 that my great great grandmother cooked 

on Sunday morning.

 I recall the potato pancakes, and  fried mackerel with hot sauce  shared with 

sibling and cousins after church. 

 Food from my grandmother’s table.

We laughed and ate while

recounting the details of Sunday service.

My mother and I shared many moments at the table. 

We played games, looked at clothes catalogs and shared our thoughts. 

Grilled cheese, sweet pickles, chips and Pepsi was the lunch menu when my aunt came to visit.

Love was plentiful and meals cherished at my mother’s table.

We did not always have a lot. 

But there was always enough. 


First Sunday communion. 


Hymns sung, prayers offered, testimonies given. 

In remembrance and in fellowship 

the crackers broken and juice poured.

The Lord’s Supper.

God has always furnished a table in the wilderness. 

Whatever was needed He has provided. 

This continues still.

He prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies. He anoints my head with oil.

My cup runneth over.

Thank you Lord for 

furnishing, a table in the wilderness.

God bless.

In Christ,

Sis. Stephanie 


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