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Lord Lighten the Load


Proverbs 18:14

“The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity; but a wounded spirit who can bear?” 

A wounded spirit is often the result of grief. Grieving. It is a heavy load to bear. We often hear about the stages of grief. 

“Grief is a stage.”

Stage - 1) a point, period, or step in process or development. 

2) a raised platform in a theater, auditorium, etc. where performers stand.

Grief can be characterized as a period in life that helps inform our development. No one is exempt from experiencing loss. Loss of loved ones. Loss of livelihood. Loss of shelter. Loss of self. Loss…

Grief can also be viewed as a raised platform. Often on display during these times are the most vulnerable areas of ourselves.  Brokenness…Grief can take us there. Yet, there is hope for the healing heart. 

Perhaps you are grieving right now. In the midst of such sorrow, the Lord is near. Even as I write today my heart is overwhelmed. 

Grief, present and lingering. 

Yet, even as tears fall, my

cup overflows with goodness and mercy.

The sufficient grace of God. 

I offer the words of the following poem to encourage you today and I pray that we will all be strengthened in the Lord. 

Heavy Load 

- @2022-2023


When the load gets heavy and there seems to be no relief 

When your shoulders are sagging beneath loneliness or grief 

During times when you smile although inside you cry

During times you cannot focus even though you try

It is in such situations that the Lord lingers near

You are not forsaken while facing your fears 

Faith may not seem easy when pursued by hounds of doubt

Yet faith is always within our grasp 

We are not without 

When the load gets heavy lift your hands and pray

Look to the Lord, the Bearer of Burdens 

He will lead the way 

Trust in His time and purpose for every word of God is true

Cast not away your confidence 

God will see you through 

God bless.

In Christ,

Sis. Stephanie 


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