“What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.”
- Psalms 56:3
In what time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. When I am fearful, I will trust. When I am anxious, I will trust. When I am overwhelmed, I will trust. When I am am lonely, I will trust.
I choose trust. I chose to trust in God.
In times when the way is cloudy, I will trust. When l don't understand what is going on around me, I will trust. When it seems as though all hope is lost, I will trust.
We have a choice. Trust in God is a choice. The expression "faith over fear." is worth meditating on. Faith over fear. For a child of God it is choosing to trust Him, to take Him at His word. It is an exchange of our feelings for His grace.
Sometimes I find myself getting anxious. I feel tempted to reside in worry rather than abide in faith. Praise God for the Holy Spirit. He reminds me that I have a choice. His prompting encourages me to exchange my anxiety and worry for trust in God.
God is Faithful. He is reliable. God is Trustworthy. He is dependable. God is the Lord of past, present and future. In the "what" times of my past, He was there. In the "what" times of my present, He is here. In the "what" time of the future, He reigns.
"I trust in God wherever I may be. Upon the land or out on the rolling sea. For come what may from day to day, my Heavenly Father watches over me. He makes the rose an object of His care. He guides the eagle through the pathless air. And surely He, remembers me. My Heavenly Father watches over me." - William C. Martin
What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.
God bless!
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
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