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The Whatsoever Things - Philippians 4:8

"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovelywhatsoever things are of good report; if there be any praise, think on these things." -  Philippians 4:8, KJV

The "whatsoever things" are meant to help us keep our focus. Pure.  Lovely.  Good report.
Think on these things.  All around us there are reminders of the great world crisis.  This crisis, this dangerous opportunity threatens to destroy lives, erase peace, steal joy and promote fear.  The reality is that this is a disturbance of order throughout the world.  But God is still God.  He alone holds the answers to the hard questions we are faced with daily.
The answers are contained in His Word.

The "whatsoever things" include a beautiful flower, a star filled night sky.  A video that has gone viral of an infant child raising hands of praise in response to a mother's worship is a whatsoever thing.  A call from a friend or loved one with a voice of cheer, waking up to  raindrops fallling from the sky illustrating magnificent blessings showered from the Lord, these are "whatsoever things." 

"Whatsoever things" for me include looking out and seeing a beautiful red cardinal.  I get so excited.  I call every cardinal I see in the back yard Carly.  Carly cardinal is lovely and pure and whether flying or perched on a limb the report is good.  Carly came by today.  

When I think about how good God is and how wonderfully He has blessed me I cannot help but praise him.  Refreshing water to drink, food on the table, shoes to wear, the ability to see and hear,  are "whatsoever things."

I think I'll make a list of lovely and pure things that grace my life.  I am certain the list is longer and more powerful than any giant or any challenge.  In humaness we can become weary.  But God in His Holiness offers us rest when the pressure is too great.  I'm thinking about the Lord. In Him I can dwell on lovliness.  Praise the Lord for the "whatsoever things."

God bless!
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie


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