Romans 8:28 - King James Version
28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Love is still lifting me. "When nothing else could help it was love that lifted me." Yesterday, the Lord blessed me to see another birthday. It was a spectacular day. Love marked the day. A milestone year. One of my daughters asked me if I felt any different. Other years, I would say, "No not really." This time was different. I feel different.
Physically, I need to address some things. New health challenges surfaced several weeks ago. I was startled at first. But, love is still lifting me. The hymn writer expressed: "I could have been dead sleeping in my grave but the Lord made my enemies behave." Love is still lifting me. The years have taught me so much. I am still resting in the vanity room where as a woman I am not telling everyone my age. (smile) But the difference is I am truly grateful for each and every year. I would imagine that one day sooner or later my mind will step out of the vanity room to the right here right now place of "the Lord has brought me this _____ years" and I don't mind telling it.
Mentally. Love is still lifting me. My thoughts each day go to "grateful, thankful, blessed" and this is no cliché. I am so grateful to God. I am very thankful for the Lord's presence in my life. I am exceedingly, abundantly blessed.
Emotionally, love is still lifting me. Things that used to bother me and cause sleepless nights have been overshadowed by the "whatsoever things." Thinking about the pure, the good, the praiseworthy has become the rule and not the exception.
"I was sinking deep in sin. I was far from the peaceful shore. Very deeply I was stained within. sinking to rise no more. But, the Master of the Sea heard my despairing cry. From the waters He lifted me. Now safe am I. Love lifted me. Love lifted me. When nothing else could help, love lifted me. I say it was love that lifted me. Love, it lifted me. When nothing else could help, I declare it was love that lifted me."
I praise God today. Love, is still lifting, me.
God bless!
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
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