Psalm 24:1 King James Version
The earth is the Lord's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.
"He's got the whole world in His hands. The whole world in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. The whole world in His hands. He's got you and me in His hands. He's got you and me in His hands. He's got you and me in His hands. The whole world in HIs hands, He's got the little bitty babies...He's got the momma's and the daddy's...He's got your friends and enemies in His hands. The whole world in His hands."
The earth and all its inhabitants are in the mighty hands of Sovereign God. All is under the authority of God. There is no escaping His oversight. No respecter of persons with Him. God is God Alone.
Recent news reports, world unrest, lingering pestilence threaten to overwhelm and challenge the resolve of believers to be unwavering. How can we remain strong, we are human, and we have earthly concerns? How can we keep from shaking with fear and anticipating more trouble? The answer is that we cannot do any of these things without God. The songwriter penned: "Without God I could do nothing. Without Him, I would fail. Without God my life would be drifting, just like a ship without a sail." Without God, nothing. With God, all things are possible.
Every city, each state, every country and each province are controlled by God. The winds blow at His Word. The rivers flow at His Word. Healing occurs at His Word. Peace prevails at His Word. The whole world in HIs hands.
"He's got the whole world in His hands. The whole world in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. The whole world in His hands.'
God bless!
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
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