Psalms 85:10
“Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other.”
It is beautiful when people are able to work together peacefully.
Free from bickering and personal agendas.
Harmony requires give and take.
We must be as active in listening as we are determined to be heard.
Musical harmony consists of all sections not just knowing your part, but singing it.
Singers must stay on key.
Know your note.🎵
As I read the verse for today I thought about how mercy, truth, righteousness, and peace all fulfill their unique functions.
This is something I cherish during this season of my life.
Getting along with others…
I have learned that getting along
sometimes means walking away.
In my younger days I was often intent on getting my point across.
Time and experience have taught me that silence is sometimes the more appropriate response.
When I do speak I pray to be kind, thoughtful, and deliberate.
Sometimes I succeed.
Other times…Lord help me, forgive me…mercy
It requires practice.
By definition:
The quality of forming a pleasing and consistent whole.
A beautiful thing.
God bless✨
In Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
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