Psalms 48:2
“Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.”
The beauty lies in knowing the Lord.
In the midst of the "not so beautiful" and smack dab in the middle of turmoil, let us pause often to consider the greatness of God.
In politics we hear about the situation room where policies are decided and where great matters are deliberated.However, let there be this assurance today, in times when clouds hover over our lives: Beautiful for the situation… Why? The whole earth, all of it is, is under the control of the Great King the Almighty God.
In the tough spots and tight spaces, think on these things. Spring still follows winter. The flowers will bloom. In the midst of the “very smelly,”a sweet fragrance, The Holy Spirit is always near.
When the news details tragedy the Bible spells hope. "God is known in her palaces for a refuge." - Psalms 48:3
"I trust in God where ever I may be, upon the land or out on the rolling sea. For come what may from day to day, My Heavenly Father watches over me."
God bless,
in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie
Sis. Stephanie
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