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Today I Celebrate My Friend

"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."  - Proverbs 18:24

Dear Friends,

One of my closest friends recently published a book that details her 24 year battle with MS.  She describes how this debilitating illness robbed her of many memories, cognitive skills,and a career lucrative career.  My beautiful, intelligent, "angel friend," Henrietta and I, met in college.  Whenever we  talked over the years we would share how neither time or distance could lessen our strong friendship.

God brought us together as friends.  It is a spiritual connection.  The testimony of how we became friends is so remarkable that it still brings tears to my eyes.  I know that only the Lord brought the pieces together for the two unlikely friends from Cleveland and Philadelphia.  

Today I celebrate my friend. I praise God for her beautiful soul whose faith and hope in God has encouraged me across time and distance.  She is an example of true kindness and trust.  In the midst of tremendous suffering my friend has let her light shine as a mother, a daughter, a neighbor and so much more.

Henrietta Adams the author lends her testimony to encourage others  not to give up hope. There is room for healing even in the midst of suffering. The title of her book is:

The Invisible Crippling of Multiple Sclerosis: "One woman's story of the devastating effects of chronic debilitating central nervous system diseases" - by Henrietta Adams (available on Amazon) "The battle fought for so many years was intense and Henrietta is candid in delivering her story. Yet, faith and hope is present within each chapter. Her love and devotion for her son resonates! Those with similar struggles will find added strength. Individuals seeking to understand how to better support their friends and loved ones will be better informed and inspired to do so." sdktyus

in Christ,

Sis. Stephanie


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