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Leap of Faith

"For thou art my lamp, O Lord: and the Lord will lighten my darkness.
For by thee I have run through a troop: by my God have I leaped over a wall.As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him." - II Samuel 22:29-31

Dear Friends,
The twenty-second chapter of II Samuel is a psalm of David.  Psalms 18 is very similar.  In Samuel David is rendering his song, his psalm unto God. In Psalms 18, David is rendering a praise to the Lord His Strength.  David has had experience with enemies.  These experiences includes outright attacks, being blindsided and encountering traps that were laid for him.  Yet, in all of this David learned where his help was coming from.
The Bible teaches us not to be weary in well doing.  We are taught that trouble, weeping lasts for "a night" but joy follows.  In the darkest of night the Lord is near.  Looking back over nights that have given way to daybreak, can we with the strength of David proclaim: "For thou art my lamp, O Lord." 
 Sometimes when we wake up in the dark, we don't require that the whole room be illuminated to prevent our stumbling.  Likewise in dark and dire situations, a candle, a night light or a lamp will suffice.  Have you ever needed just enough strength to take the next step?  A lamp can provide just enough sight to encourage you to move on.  
The songwriter penned these words:
"On up the road, far in the distance I can see a light, shining in the night. It's penetrating life's heavy fog, for it is Jesus, YES, He conquers all."

When Jesus shows up to light our way, faith increases.   How does it happen?Through the Word of God.  David said: "For by thee I have run through a troop, by my God have I leaped over a wall."  
David took some leaps of faith.  Imagine a little shepherd boy with a slingshot going out to meet a giant.  Talk about leaping.  Well, there are still giants that loom large.  The same God that enabled the shepherd boy to slay the giant and to  defeat armies is standing ready to give you a boost.  There is no wall so high that God can't take you over.

Think about it...remember the time when you just didn't think you could make it.  Was it a job?  A class? A bully? Grief? Maybe you had to get up in front of a crowd to make a speech and you were afraid. But you did it.  How did it get done?  Only God.

When I read II Samuel 22 and Psalms 18 I just shout on the inside and sometimes I shout out loud.  Why?  It is because I know what David is talking about.  There have been some great battles in my life.  There have been some days when I just did not think I could even get out of bed.  There have been some Saturdays when the enemy pressed so hard that I could not imagine that if I lived to see Sunday, I would be able to make my way to church. But God!  By the Lord I have leaped over some walls!
You can leap.  Yes you can.  The Lord is holding your hand.  He's got you.  Don't be afraid.  Why? Because...

"As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the Lord is tried: he is a buckler to all them that trust in him."

in Christ,
Sis. Stephanie


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