January 22, 2013
" For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
- St. Matthew 18:20
Dear Friend,
Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend a wonderful celebration in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The annual event brought together people from all walks of life. The event was particularly significant this year because we also witnessed the inauguration of the second term of this country's first African American President.
I have attended several such events over the years but this one was different. Starting off the event were high school poets who challenged the social consciousness of those in attendance. Yet, more so they challenged the stereotypical thinking of those who have labeled without investigation or consideration today's young people as a generation without purpose or direction. Those who gathered yesterday bore witness to something far different.
The soloist who gave a rendition of "I Know I've Been Changed." shook the foundations of the brick building as the words "the angel in heaven done signed my name" lifted upward as he asked the audience to join him in singing the refrain.
The keynote speaker was a young Pastor, new to our community. He spoke about the collective power of us. From the moment he stood in front of the podium he spoke with power and authority as he visited history, lifted up the present and cast an anchor in to the future. He brought forth much more than the memory of the dream of Dr. King. His words were framed in the light of the One whose power and presence makes the continuing legacy of Dr. King possible.
I know that there were at least two or three gathered together in the name of Jesus Christ yesterday. The Holy Spirit overshadowed the "service" letting us know that because we had gathered together in the name of the Lord He was there faithful to His promise. The library building was transformed and as in the case with any room, any building, situation, or experience, where "two or three are gathered together" in the name of the Lord a transformation can and does take place.
Jesus Christ is our Change Agent! Throughout time He has used those who serve and gather together in His name to get the job done. What job? To shed light in darkness.
The preacher yesterday talked about "Us."
It calls to me this hymn:
"Let us break bread together on our knees. Let us break bread together on
our knees. When I fall on my knees, with my face to the rising sun, O Lord
have mercy on me."
Let's gather together and break bread! The Lord will be in our midst!
God bless!
Sis. Stephanie D. K. Tyus
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