January 3, 2013
I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord.
Psalms 122:1
One songwriter has penned: "Glad to be in the service, glad to be in the service, glad to be in the service one more time. He didn't have to let me live. He did not have to let me live. I'm glad to be in the service one more time."
As a choir member I remember singing as loud as I could and doing my best to hold my female tenor part excited to express just how "glad" I was to be in the Lord's house, one more time. I was grateful for the opportunity to gather once again with my brothers and sisters in Christ for corporate worship.
Today as I ponder the words of the song, I am mindful that with each day the Lord allows us to live, it is an opportunity for service. To begin each day with an acknowledgement to God that I am glad to be in His service, to serve Him, is my way of reporting in for duty, checking in for my assignment.
Lord what would you have me to do today?
God bless!
Sis. Stephanie D.K. Tyus
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