January 10, 2013
"I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with mine own heart: and my spirit made diligent search." Psalm 77:6
Since my teen years and throughout my adult life there have been times when throughout the night a song just seemed to play over and over in my head as though it were a recording. I knew I was asleep but the song was there and sometimes as the song continued "to play" I could feel myself mouthing the words in my sleep. When I would wake up the song would be deep in my spirit and I would carry it throughout the day. I did not know until later Psalm 77:6. When I learned the scripture either through Bible study or a sermon you can only imagine I was beside myself with joy! The Lord had given me songs in the night to instruct, to encourage, to guide. The song below, "No Not One", (under public domain) is one of the songs. I hope that you will be encouraged by its timeless message today.
No, Not One!
1. There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! no, not one! None else could heal all our soul's diseases, No, not one! no, not one! Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will guide till the day is done; There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! no, not one!
2. No friend like Him is so high and holy, No, not one! no, not one! And yet no friend is so meek and lowly, No, not one! no, not one! Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will guide till the day is done; There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! no, not one!
3. There's not an hour that He is not near us, No, not one! no, not one! No night so dark but His love can cheer us, No, not one! no, not one! Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will guide till the day is done; There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! no, not one!
4. Did ever saint find this friend forsake him? No, not one! no, not one! Or sinner find that He would not take him? No, not one! no, not one! Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will guide till the day is done; There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! no, not one!
5. Was e'er a gift like the Savior given? No, not one! no, not one! Will He refuse us a home in heaven? No, not one! no, not one! Jesus knows all about our struggles, He will guide till the day is done; There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus, No, not one! no, not one!
Words: Johnson Oatman, Jr, 1894.
Music: 'No, Not One' George Crawford Hugg, 1894.
Setting: "Pentecostal Hymns, No. 2", 1894.
God bless!
Sis. Stephanie D. K. Tyus
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